Terence MacSwiney - True Patriot
Terence MacSwiney was born in Cork City in 1879. He was educated in accounting at the Royal University and was a voracious reader as a youth. Later he would receive a philosophy degree from RU.
At 22, he and other founded the Cork Celtic Literary Society. Carrying on his interest in all things literary, he and his friend Daniel Corkery published and wrote several plays for the Cork Dramatic Society.
He became interested in nationalism at an early age and helped to start the Cork Brigade of the Irish Volunteers. Terence was also the original president of Sinn Fein's Cork cumann. As well as full time duties as a leader of the Volunteers and of Sinn Fein, MacSwiney also published a weekly newspaper call Fianna Fail, which caught the immediate attention of the Brits after only 11 weeks of publication. They suppressed the publication and threatened MacSwiney and other contributors.
Terence MacSwiney was arrested in early 1916 and interned under the
Defence of the Realm Act in Reading and Wakefield Gaols from April to December 1916 for giving a seditious speech. He was to be jailed for this two more times in the next year and a half.
In February 1917 MacSwiney was deported and interned in Shrewsbury and Bromyard internment camps in Britain for five months. In November 1917 he was arrested in Cork for wearing an IRA uniform and was imprisoned in Cork Gaol where he went on a three day hunger-strike before he was released. MacSwiney was arrested in Dublin in March, 1918 and imprisoned in Belfast and Dundalk Gaols until September when he was released, re-arrested and imprisoned to Lincoln Gaol. In the same year he published a volume of poetry entitled Battle Cries.
In 1919, he was elected to the Dail Eireann for Mid-Cork, while his good mate
Tomas MacCurtain was elected Lord Mayor of Cork City. In March of 1920, MacCurtain was murdered in his home by members of the Royal Irish Constabulary, some of whom were later killed by the IRA in retribution. MacSwiney was elected Lord Mayor in place of his murdered comrade.
All this while, MacSwiney had been working has head of the IRA's 1st Cork Brigade. This would be the thing that set in motion his arrest and eventual death. He, along with
Liam Lynch, leader of the 2nd Cork Brigade, and other IRA leaders, were arrested in August 1920 by the Brits. Shortly after the British, not recognising the others, released all but Terence.
On August 16th, MacSwiney was court-martialed and sentenced to two years in prison. But from the start, Terence had no intention of giving the Brits the comfort of submission to their system. He believed they had no place in his country.
He joined a hungerstrike already in progress in Cork Jail. After five days in Cork Jail, the O/C of the IRA's Cork No. 1 Brigade was transferred to the British prison, Brixton. MacSwiney had been a part of two other hungerstrikes, including one lengthy one in 1918. He knew what to expect.
He died seventy-five days later on October 25, 1920. His funeral brought the largest crowd in the history of Ireland until
Bobby Sands' eclipsed it more than 60 years later.
Wednesday 22 October 1975'Guildford Four'Patrick Armstrong, Gerard Conlon, Paul Hill, and Carole Richardson (who became known as the 'Guildford Four') were found guilty at the Old Bailey in London of causing explosions in London in October 1974. The four were sentenced to life imprisonment. [Following an appeal the four were released on 19 October 1989. The court of appeal decided that the 'confessions' had been fabricated by the police.]
(from CAIN)
External links about this topic: Wikipedia entry on Guildford Four and Maguire SevenAn Phoblacht/Republican News Article from 1999K-Zone Law - Guildford 4, Justice: nil
Hunger. From Bobby Sands Trust site.
Movie runs a little less than three minutes. It's at least worth a watch.
"Recent" IRA Activity
Text of 'real' Irish Republican Army (rIRA) Statement, 20 October 2002
Statement issued by jailed members of the rIRA in Portlaoise prison calling on the Army Council of the organisation to "stand down"
"On Friday, September 27, in a written communication to the Army leadership, the (Real) IRA unit in Portlaoise prison took the unprecedented step of calling the Army Council to stand down with ignominy.
We will not demean our struggle or provide succour to our enemies by revealing the comprehensive catalogue of evidence which has exposed this leadership.
However, we do feel duty-bound to state that this Army leadership's financial motivations far outweigh their political commitment to our struggle at this time.
IRA prisoners find this morally and politically unacceptable. We believe that the current Army leadership has forfeited all moral authority to lead the (Real) IRA.
To date, the leadership has failed to respond to our demand. Thus we feel we are left with no option but to withdraw our allegiance from this Army leadership.
We would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to Republican principles and reiterate our steadfast opposition to the Belfast Agreement and British rule in Ireland.
Furthermore, in order to dispel recent, mischievous leaks to the media, we would like to state that no IRA prisoners' representative has entered negotiations with any government regarding the early release of political prisoners."